by Leslie Howell | Oct 19, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
David and I have been enjoying many boat dives in Aruba, mostly with Pure Diving Aruba. The Pure Team is great – they are very knowledgeable of the local dive sites, they have years of diving experience, and they are just fun to dive with. With...
by Leslie Howell | Oct 10, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
David and I have been here in Aruba, not far from Arashi Beach and the Antilla Wreck since mid-July and we were finally able to dive these sites in mid-October, but it was worth the wait!! Our dive guide, Susan Heiter was amazing as she pointed out so many critters....
by Leslie Howell | Sep 9, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
Although the shore diving in Aruba is limited, the sites are easily accessible and the marine life is diverse. Tres Trapi, or “Three Steps” is located in Noord on the northern most part of the island, between the kite / wind surfing schools and Arashi...
by Leslie Howell | Aug 13, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
The dive started and ended with a large group (shoal, school or squad) of small Caribbean Reef Squid greeting the divers from the dive boat. We spotted the squid from the boat and couldn’t wait to jump in the water before the squid got spooked and swam away. We...
by Leslie Howell | Jul 26, 2020 | Caribbean
We are enjoying the 2nd dive excursion of our stay in Aruba. We visited two great reefs, which are just off of the Renaissance Hotel’s private island. They are relatively shallow dives, but very colorful and full of fish. In addition, the fish were pretty...