Diving The Hilma Hooker in Bonaire

Written by David Howell

After spending 25+ years successfully leading application development activities at an enterprise level, David moved toward pursuing his own passions full-time. He travels the world with his wife, Leslie, exploring nearby shore dives and remote atolls from liveaboards. Together, they document their adventures at TropicLens.com.

November 9, 2021

Our six month stint in Bonaire has sadly come to an end; but we will return in June…hopefully as residents!

That said, our last video winds things up with Bonaire’s largest wreck…the Hilma Hooker. It is a very large 240 feet (73 meter) ship with lots of areas to explore. The cargo holds are open and quite often have tarpon hanging around. There are also a few swim throughs for those that are good with their buoyancy. Despite being known as a wreck site, we saw three new animals including a spotted spoon-nose eel, a western comb grouper and a couple of leather-backed platydoris which are in the in nudibranch family.

Check out our entire adventure below.

To view all videos by TropicLens, visit our YouTube Channel.

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