by David | Apr 21, 2021 | Blogs
David playing Beat Saber with the Oculus Quest. Soooo, we’ve been on lockdown in Curaçao for about a month now. The local “license plate of the day” means we can only drive two days a week and then only for groceries. While Netflix has been...
by David | Jan 3, 2021 | Blogs
The second Caribbean stop on our retirement journey finds us in Curaçao. We will be here for five months in total and if the first is any indication, the next four are gonna be great! We were lucky enough to get a recommendation for Rebel Diving Curaçao while we were...
by Leslie Howell | Nov 27, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
Although Aruba is not known for its shore diving, David and I found some great sites for shore diving and were not disappointed with the marine life that we encountered. Hands down or favorite site is Tres Trapi (or 3 Steps). With a maximum depth of 20 feet, you...
by Leslie Howell | Oct 31, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Photography
In Aruba you can find so many different fish. Different shapes, different sizes, different colors. You will find schooling fish, solitary fish and fish that travel in pairs. Many of the fish are cautious and unapproachable, however many of the fish appear to be...
by Leslie Howell | Oct 19, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
David and I have been enjoying many boat dives in Aruba, mostly with Pure Diving Aruba. The Pure Team is great – they are very knowledgeable of the local dive sites, they have years of diving experience, and they are just fun to dive with. With...
by Leslie Howell | Oct 10, 2020 | Blog With Gallery, Blogs, Caribbean, Gallery, Photography
David and I have been here in Aruba, not far from Arashi Beach and the Antilla Wreck since mid-July and we were finally able to dive these sites in mid-October, but it was worth the wait!! Our dive guide, Susan Heiter was amazing as she pointed out so many critters....