Parts of our routine are genuinely enjoyable. Leslie playing “Everything is Awesome” and dancing when we get up, redesigning our website to get it to a point we have long discussed but not had the time to do while we were working and exploring local restaurants as they start to allow patio seating are all very pleasurable and satisfying moments.
Heck, even when our regular walks turn left under Interstate-88 and the decibel level from semitrucks and corroded/customized motorcycle mufflers put a temporary halt to our conversation, at least we are getting exercise outside of the 500 sq/ft space we call home for the moment.
Some of these moments are shorter than others. The ice-cold Bai Molokai Coconut water in the fridge describes itself as an “Exotic flavor that sends your tongue on a tropical tastecation”, but it really only lasts as long as it takes to swallow. I have tried to extend the tastecation by swirling the drink in my mouth for a bit, but it quickly degrades into a warm, saliva filled mixture more reminiscent of some Naked and Afraid destination on Day 17.
Other parts of our day are slightly less enjoyable including random internet outages, uncomfortably thin walls separating the bathroom from the bedroom and a robust air circulation system with the ability to carry fish and burnt popcorn odors through the hotel corridors that makes one wonder what else is carried on those unseen wafts.
The periodic apprehension with which we approach the Bonaire news feeds falls somewhere between these new Covid-19 reality spectrum points. Scouting different sources every few days lines up closest emotionally to eating a strawberry for me. The hopeful optimism of sweetness can sometimes get overpowered by reluctant doubt as a history of tart berry experiences penetrate my tongue even before the first bite. Today, bitter won again.
While Info Bonaire reported that the emergency order has been lifted and described Phase One re-opening details that allow for some inter-island and international travel, “USA gateways will remain closed for now” as we are “still considered a high-risk country.” To add insult to injury, “as soon as Aruba allows American passengers to enter, the airspace with Aruba will once again be closed.”
Although this is not the adventure we were hoping to have at the moment; it is, nonetheless, an adventure we can appreciate for a period of time. We are still very much looking forward to our long-planned tropic journeys, but may just need a latitude adjustment to break the monotony. Tomorrow we begin exploring options.