Diving Double Reef Curaçao

Written by David Howell

After spending 25+ years successfully leading application development activities at an enterprise level, David moved toward pursuing his own passions full-time. He travels the world with his wife, Leslie, exploring nearby shore dives and remote atolls from liveaboards. Together, they document their adventures at TropicLens.com.

March 13, 2022

Appropriately named Double Reef has lots of sea life across both the inner and outer reef. It also has quite a bit going on above ground as the Park Lucha Pa Libertat or Fight For Freedom Park is a popular destination for fishing, tours and exercise.

Although the dive site entry is a literal walk in the park, it is quite long at 650 feet (200 meters); but well worth the effort. We documented our first convoluted barrel sponge here and also spotted a few uncommon critters including a cornetfish and juvenile blue parrotfish and jackknife fishes. As usual, the video explains everything you need to know about how to dive Double Reef.

To view all videos by TropicLens, visit our YouTube Channel.

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