Diving Oil Slick Leap in Bonaire

Written by David Howell

After spending 25+ years successfully leading application development activities at an enterprise level, David moved toward pursuing his own passions full-time. He travels the world with his wife, Leslie, exploring nearby shore dives and remote atolls from liveaboards. Together, they document their adventures at TropicLens.com.

May 27, 2021

The second shore dive we are profiling on Bonaire is Oil Slick Leap. The excitement starts with an actual giant stride off the rocky ledge; although there is a ladder for more control as well as the necessary exit point. But it doesn’t end there. We’ve seen a number of octopus there, batwing coral crab and even several black brotula which is the first time we have seen those. Even the coastal shallows provide unique contrast with a crevice filled wall to the south and sloping rocky shelf topped with gorgonians to the north. Want to see more? Check out the video.

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