July 2021 | Week 1

I was fortunate to spot this adorable juvenile Smooth Trunkfish at Bari Reef in Bonaire. It was about the size of a marble and was moving all about, making the image a bit challenging to capture. But I was up for the challenge and fired off a number of shots with a variety of backgrounds. Given the size of the subject, I should have used a narrower aperture in order to ensure I was able to capture the details of this little guy, but I deliberately used a larger aperture in order to blur the background and to prevent it from being too dark. And I am happy to say I’m quite pleased with the final results.  In fact I receive a compliment from Erin Quiqley, of “Go Ask Erin” regarding the use of negative space on this image.

Equipment and settings: Nikon D850 / INON z330 strobes/ 60mm / f11 / 1/200th / ISO 125.  
Location: Bari Reef, Bonaire

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