Diving Karpata in Bonaire

Written by David Howell

After spending 25+ years successfully leading application development activities at an enterprise level, David moved toward pursuing his own passions full-time. He travels the world with his wife, Leslie, exploring nearby shore dives and remote atolls from liveaboards. Together, they document their adventures at TropicLens.com.

June 21, 2021

After six months of regularly posting videos, we can now say we have “hundreds” of subscribers. Truth be told, we are just glad that some divers find them useful and appreciate the kind comments they’ve both left on YouTube and sent through TropicLens.com. Our next goal is to hit one thousand, so we have a way to go for that. Perhaps in another year or so. Either way, we’ll keep making videos. 🙂

Also, we released another edition of The Shore Dive Collection. This one covers Karpata which is a very nice site in the north of Bonaire. The entrance can be a bit tricky and, in fact, we have some footage of someone that unfortunately fell down with waves crashing into them. They were ok, but hopefully the section on site logistics will help others with the best way to handle entry and exit. We hope you enjoy it as well…and tell your friends!

To view all videos by TropicLens, visit our YouTube Channel.

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