Soooo, we’ve been on lockdown in Curaçao for about a month now. The local “license plate of the day” means we can only drive two days a week and then only for groceries. While Netflix has been entertaining, it isn’t exactly conducive to productivity. That said, I have taken advantage of increased home time to workout a bit more with some of the sweat inducing Oculus Quest apps. Beat Saber is a personal favorite as well as VR Fit.
We also killed a bit of that time visiting family and friends in Chicago as well as picking up a few new toys and replacement items. The import fees and shipping costs more than made up for the airfare home. (The fees from four separate packages shipped to Aruba averaged 35 – 40% of the total price of goods being shipped!) Now that we are back, it sure would be nice to use that equipment…but we cannot do anything!

With the prospect of another ten days in lockdown and the next government evaluation on the 30th, we decided to pack up and head to Bonaire two weeks early. The situation there continues to improve and they currently allow diving; so I can return to creating shore dive videos. I have started creating a template with new background music for The Shore Diving Collection – Bonaire. All we need is a diving adventure.