February 2021 / Week 3

This week’s winner was shot at Playa Piskado, which is my favorite dive site on Curacao. David and I always seem to run across something new here or we see old favorites. Our last dive started by seeing a group of squid, followed by turtles swimming towards and around us. Next I spotted a green moray eel under coral head and started taking some shots. When I looked to my right, I noticed an octopus sitting on another coral head, less than a foot away, observing me shooting the moray eel.

This turtle shot was taken close to shore in about 12 feet of water. The turtles at Playa Piskado are comfortable around divers and snorkelers so it is not uncommon for the turtles to approach or swim near them. I was shooting with my Tokina 10-17mm lens so for this shot I was less than 2 feet from this juvenile turtle.

Equipment and settings: Nikon D850 / 60mm / INON z330 strobes / f16 / 1/160th / ISO 400.  
Location: Playa Piskado, Curaçao

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